I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Saturday 2 February 2013

A week in the life

Word of the day: pecuniary: something related to money (no, really the word means "something related to money")

Music to accompany this post

Well it sure has been an eventful week, in an out of EVE, but you only care about the former of course.

We recently saw what may have been the biggest battle in EVE history at Asakai, all because someone was drunk at the wheel and jumped his Avatar instead of bridging for his fleet...silly people.
Still, just like Israel and Palestine kicking the crap out of each other has little to no actual bearing on my life, neither did this EVE battle. I was too busy selling off all the minerals I'd accumulated over a month and a half of playing to care, that took quite a bit of hauling. Then I finally liquidated all of my heavy water. Selling off one and a half million units of the stuff took a while, but it was worth it in the end.
I'd also been building 61 Bestowers for resale, and they netted me a tidy profit, selling them at between 1 and 1,2 million ISK for a manufacturing price of around 800k ISK.
However, I'd gotten so used to transporting multiple ships for resale in my own Bestower, Belly Beluga III that my brain farted and I caught myself transporting by bestowers for resale inside...my bestower.

Yo dawg, I heard...yeah you know the rest.
I ended up hiring red frog freight, an extremely well respected freighting company to move 43 of my 61 bestowers to a better sales location. It only cost me a few million, easily recouped by the sale of the said bestowers.

Nearing 700 million ISK in cash, I was feeling pretty good about my life as a capsuleer, and figured it's time to step up my game in the mining business. Enter exhumers to replace my mining barges and significantly boost my productivity (Bless you, ORE!). Sadly, I've gotten too emotionally attached the my Tuggy the Tugboat Retriever and couldn't bear to leave it behind. Therefore, I bought a MAckinaw BPC and all the T2 parts needed and asked my corp boss skimore1 to build me a Mackinaw out of Tuggy...Frankentuggy.
Sadly, since I'm a bit daft, I'd forgotten a skill and miscalculated my training time for exhumers, so it'll still be close to a month of training yet. Getting Astrogeology and Mining Barge to level 5 sure is a bitch.

I also bought a Harbinger on a whim, because why not. I can fly it, as long as I don't have any fittings on it...but one day..yes...one day. I will obliterate everything in my path with it, but more about that at a later date.

Oh, I almost forgot, Cesare and Waifu had a baby! ... a full grown hairy adult baby.
Due to complications in the in-vitro meiosis process, he came out a bit...shall we say "under-performing", but we couldn't put him down (cloning babies isn't cheap). We just parked him at a trade hub to keep a lookout on good prices, just like his mum does in Jita.

My "special" little guy, Sonny Romero.

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