I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Friday 14 December 2012

Cesare Romero Incorporated

Today starts under poor auguries.

I log in to be greeted by a 10 million bounty on my head, from someone I'm pretty sure I've never met before...-10.0 sec rating, 1 year+ in his corp...yeah, I see. Evil people, grrr.
It's a good thing nobody cares about bounties, especially at 20% of the price of my venture.

I started mining Kernite in 0.6 space, and I figured it's safe enough, I have drones, and went AFK to prepare myself some delicious lasagne.
...Well, that didn't go too well, I was AFK for far longer than anticipated, and didn't hear the alarms go off all over my ship...3rd Venture down -_- yeah, I'm still an idiot.
But a quick jump to my backup Venture, and Ace Ventura IV is born, fitted with the gear I managed to salvage from my own wreck. 20 minutes later, I'd repaid my venture through mining...*sigh* I still hate being an idiot.

Chatting with the good fellow Raines, he offered me some protips, and some skillbooks he didn't need. I signed the deal without even readng the terms, because as bad practice as it may be, it's a dude who's shown he can be trusted. Still, I wasn't expecting this good of a deal. This day just got a bit better.

Some mining and chatting later, I finally got into contact with a human being from an actual corporation, huzzah! And coincidentally, just as I was chatting to this new recruit in their recruitment channel, a recruiter for yet another corp picked me up. I had to explain why I had a 10 mil bounty on my head, and why I got killed twice in lowsec...I am a newb, I dind't know!
Apparently that was enough to convince them, and I was accepted into Gneiss Shist mining corporation.
Yay! lower tax rates, fellow miners to fleet up with!...n shit.
Well it may be a small corp, and I've only really talked to one newish recruit for now, while doing some more mining, but I'm finally not a complete newbie in an NPC corporation anymore.
Instead of being a small cog in a big machine, I'm a small cog in a small machine! (oh boy! mining is fun!).

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog <3 Kinda a newbie myself, but I went in the pvp direction. Kinda want to get into mining when I'm reading this :D
