I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Corporations, part 3/3

But, whoever-your-name-is-writing this blog, you ask, you wote about NPC corps and small player corps, but what about huge megacorporations and alliances?

Well, my curious internet acquittance, my internet name is Brumisator, I am in fact a sentient onion. My EVE character's name is Cesare Romero (no affiliation with the Joker). As for big corporatoins, well I've only read about them succinctly, so get ready for wild speculation!

screenshot stolen from the internet, because I've yet to see a fleet bigger with even double digit ship amounts

Eve corporations, like guilds in other MMOs can have between 1 and uh...  a bajillion member, I don't know if there is a theoretical limit, let's just say that Eve has 450 000 registered players, and some corps have thousands of members.
Now, in order to have gotten that far, they must have some pretty veteran player at the helm, probably so rich he can pay for his multiple subscriptions using PLEX without his wallet even breaking a sweat.

They float around in their more-than-likely low-sec or null-sec POS (player-owned stations) and on the weekends go cruising for pussy in supercapital ships (most of those look like dildos, it has to have some appeal to the women).
Waging incessant wars against equally large corporations, wrangling in lesser conglomerates into their glorious alliance, and altogether being badass gods in their own right.
Nine of theses veterans even have a real-life seat on the Council of Stellar Management, being able to weigh in on real issues regarding how the game evolves, which is quite mind-boggling to me. Some say they are mere strawmen, some say they are the elite of the elite, I for one don't really care, as it affects my life as a newbie very little...I don't even know what a wardeck is (Well okay, I can just look it up, jeez, a wardec is simply a declaration of war).

Still, through they are fearsome, even the largest player corporations are not completely free to do what they want. Even in arguably the biggest hostile act in the history of New Eden, uh...I forget its name...I wasn't playing back then...something about the destruction of a memorial in Jita. Even then, Players cannot destroy NPC stations, that is a mathematical impossibility. And as far as I am aware, player entities of any magnitude cannot practically invade high-sec space and fruitfully occupy it, the NPC CONCORD cops will eventually blow them up, that is a mathematical improbablility.

Wars have to be sanctionned by CONCORD, with its apparent army of virtual lawyers and bookkeepers, drafting contracts, allowing trade, what have you.
Some people seem to mildly regret the early days of EVE, several hundred years ago in internet time, only in 2005 by most calendars, where anarchy was the law. Players were in space...they had ships, and that's about it, stuff happened, then shit happeneed, then it hit the fan, and now we have cops all over the place...well...in maybe a third of known space.

I seem to have gone quite off track here, but this is pretty much all I know or can speculate about megacorporations. See you tomorrow, when I will teach you yet more misguided uninformation about another topic.

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