I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Monday 14 January 2013

Planet Wormulon

Not actual game footage
While I was wrapping up some cargo trading, Toyla had another genius idea: Going mining in a wormhole system.
At least I think that's what he said, I had trouble hearing his words over the screaming inside my head:
"Come on, you son of a bitch! you wanna live forever!?"
Well...yeah, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to live. But I might as well get some excitement out of life while it lasts.

There's no way I'm risking my beloved Tuggy the Tugboat in w-space, though. It don't have the proper mining crystals anyway. So Ace Ventura V it is!
We meet up at a safe station, and he leaves to get his venture insured while I perform my last sacraments. At least my soul is still clean from that purifying trip to the holy EVE gate.
Jumping through the wormhole, we fleet-warp to the asteroid belt, already salivating at the thought of all that Arkonor.
The entrance
Rats! "Engage cloak!" Toyla yells to me. "you do have a cloak, right?" err....let us discuss this another time.
In a panic, I warp to 100km of a random location, it's a sleeper base, but I should be okay, it's just to give me safe time in warp while picking out the exit wormhole. We both get to the exit wormhole unscathed, and that's the end of our tiny adventure.

W-space looks like drugs
On the plus side, it helped me get over my total fear of wormhole space, and we lived to tell the tale. On the down side, we came back empty-handed and I could have used this wasted time for mining or trading.
We wrapped up by doing some Jaspet mining in a nearby 0.4 system, it felt very retro, using a venture for mining, but I quickly abandoned it as unprofitable, gifting Toyla most of my ores in excahnge for some modules and loot he had laying around.

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