I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Your sills are complete

Word of the day: stringent, meaning strict and/or demanding.

Actually, Vader, that's a mining beam
You know who's beautiful and smart? You are. Yes you, reading this. Not because you are reading this, but because you just are that way.
You know what's profitable? What I'm doing right now. Writing this sentence.
Also this one. And this one. This one too. That one was barely a sentence, though.
Sensible people might think to monetize their blog and get rich off you poor sucker readers' backs, but no, that not what I mean at all. I mean you wonderful people already been helpful to my mental well-being by your mere existence, and some of you have even gifted me generous amounts of ISK. I have said in the past and I repeat: I am not asking for donations of any kind, but I'd be an ungrateful SOB not to thank  Erco and Azrael for getting me over the 100 mil ISK mark (although I have much much more than that in assets nowadays).

With DUST 514 coming to the Tranquility server today, I've been scouring dark corners of the Internet and clicking furiously on all those banner ads to win a free Playstation 3, but all I have to show for it are emails from singles in my area and more cheap penis enhancers than I could ever have time to use.

Email me if you're interested in v1agra for your pen fifteen two day

So, what's up in actual Eve? I've finally gotten my skills and NPC standing over 6.67, which means I am finally able to refine my 150mil ISK worth of minerals at 100% efficiency, and here's a little table to help you fellow newbies do the same:

Taken from Haladan's complete miner's guide
All NPC stations are classified as 50%
There's a small UI bug when refining that doesn't take into account the % gained from ore-specifig processing skills, but as long as you see your refining waste at 0, you know shit just got real and the galaxy is your oyster.
For the moment, I myself am at Refining V and Refinery Efficiency III as well as Pyroxere, Jaspet, Kernite processing III. That is a slightly overkill, since you obviously can't refine over 100%, but Tech 2 mining crystals unlock at around level IV ore processing, and rarer ores have more stringent skill requirements for effective processing. Also, reprocessing loot benefits from refining and Refinery Efficiency, and Scrapmetal Processing may be helpful for salvagers to get to 100%.

So I'm sitting on a big pile of potential cash, which I will convert into even more potent potential by building & selling Bestowers and other assorted goods.

Now that my mining skill goal is complete, I'll take some time to focus more on other things, specifically combat skills. Cruisers, Battlecruisers, weapons of mass destruction and opossum taming (I have to petition CCP to add that vital skill to the game).

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