I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The history of New Eden as I understand it - part 2/4: Rise of the Empires

Word of the day: procrastinator: lazy bum who'd rather read internet blogs instead of working towards a valuable goal.

Music to accompany this post:

Let's go alphabetical order, which is the right order, because I like to roleplay an Amarr supremacist.
Coincidentally, the empires were also approximately founded in this order.

Amarr Empire

The Amarr  theocratic Empire was formed in the 17th millenium AD with the crowning of the first Emperor, However we do know that the Amarr culture was born much earlier, when some nutjob proclaimed himself prophet in 8000 AD, back when the EVE gate was still open.
As devout religious zealots, the Amarrians started conquering and enslaving other people as soon as they got back on their feet after the Dark Ages. Being the first people to rediscover warp-drive technology in the 23rd Millenium AD, they spread out their sphere of influence and enslaved ever more colonies, including the Minmatar.
Steadily growing as a culture and an Empire, but always fervent in their religious worship, the Amarr eventually hit a snag when encountering the Jove and the Gallente, bringing their expansionist politics to a halt, and eventually losing grasp of the Minmatar in the 24th Millenium.

Nowadays, the Amarr Empire still spans about 40% of Empire space, and its inhabitants relish in the faded all-powerful glory of the Empire. This sadly leads them to a slower technological advancement in contemporary times compared to the other three Empires (The Jove are in a league of their own).

Amarr tl;dr: "fuck you, you're my slave now."   

Caldari State

The Settlements on planet Caldari emerged from the Dark Ages and started recording their history two hundred years before the Amarr Empire was to be formed. Tribes merged on Caldari Prime to form the Raata Ampire 1200 years later, yet it eventually collapsed and splintered into faction-states at the end of the 21st millennium.
Living the land-lubber life for a few centuries more, they were eventually discovered and contacted by the Gallente Federation, which for some reason took over 50 years between discovery and first contact. Procrastinators. The Caldari and Gallente became BFFs and worked together to build their first stargate in 22588 AD. But of course, as the more advanced civilization, the Gallente took most of the credit and profit from that venture, leading to unrest and eventually full-out war between the two.

The Caldari State is peculiar in its politics, as it is not technically one Empire, but rather a collage of various megacorporations flying the same Caldari banner. These corporations nest myriads of smaller companies, and infighting between the megacorps is frequent, leading to an extremely competitive capitalist society. However, they do keep some unity, jumping at the chance to fight non-Caldari interlopers, be the battles fought on the market, or in space.
Strictly politically speaking, the Caldari State is weak and forgettable, only being the 3rd largest Empire in New Eden. Yet their extremely strong economy, coupled with an equally strong military tradition, makes the Caldari a true force to reckon with.

Caldari tl;dr: almost a parody of the present-day USA

Tomorrow, we will have on the menu the Gallente and Minmatar, with a side dish of Jove.

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