I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Friday 11 January 2013

The Gypsy tradesman

Today's word: commence = begin.

Ah, so DUST 514 has merged with Tranquility's ecosystem, eh? I think I know a handful of people who play DUST occasionally, so I bought morphite, the most expensive mineral in the game to build ridiculously cheap and weak small orbital lasers. I guess that shooting infantry with anything bigger would unbalance their puny run & gun game.
I needed 7 morphite, I figured while I'm Jita, may as well buy 13 more for a round number.
Then I noticed someone two systems over was buying at way over market price, so I bought 50 more and sold them to that sucker. bim bam done, I end up with basically 20 free morphite.

Oh man I'm a mean Omen
While I'm out shopping, I may as well indulge myself. So I bought the cheapest Omen I could find in highsec for 8.5 mil, why not. If I end up not liking it I can just resell it at a profit later on.
I narrowly avoided a stupid mistake: leaving base to buy the Omen in my pod, but I caught myself just in time  by remembering that I still have a day's worth of training before I can fly bloody Cruisers.

I toyed around a bit with EFT to get my Speedy Gonzales Executioner as fast as possible. In the end I just slapped 3 T2 overdrive injectors on there. Aligning speed would be slightly faster with nanomembranes to lighten the hull, but if I autopilot, raw speed is where it's at. 550m/s, aligning time 4,6s. Good enough. Maybe some day I'll get a covert ops ship and slap some warp-speed rigs on there and whatnot, but for now, Speedy will do fine. The filthy Minmatar have the fastest ship, ppffft, slaves, always running.

Speaking of slaves, I find a couple of blue & white destroyer wrecks at stargates. Just under a million ISK in random loot. Hey, free money, I'll take it.

Speaking of ISK, I noticed while looking though my wallet's log that back when I dind't know how to price things properly, I'd sold faction ammo for 400'000 ISK. Normal price: around 180'000. wahey! getting 100 more from the LP store and unloading them in the same place, at the same price. If suckers are buying, sell to them.

Speaking of selling. While emptying the last remnants of my old Homebase, I check online for good prices and where to unload the remaining junk. 16 jumps away, in lowsec, best buy price in the universe...is it worth it? I really don't know...screw it, let's go for it!
Adrenalin starts gently flowing as I get nearer. With every approaching jump, I figure, I could have gone to the other, cheaper, safer place. ARGH! I don't wanna die!
But NO! this is EVE online, Harden The Fuck Up, Cesare! ...I could say I'm roleplaying a coward, maybe? No! HTFU!... is it worth it to risk your ship and implants for cargo?...who knows, maybe since my cargo isn't incredibly expensive, they'll leave me alone in my Belly Beluga.
Let's see, about 1,5 mil for the ship + fittings...6 mil in cargo, a couple mil of implants...yeah, goddamnit, I'm gonna do it. I need at least 20 seconds to get to warp from a standstill...but I guess I can tank a little bit.

3 pirates in local in the 0.4 system..ARGH...okay, nobody at the gates, I'm alive. I jump to the destination system.
40 people in local at the 0.3 destination? AAARRRGH!...ah it's a contested system in a faction war AAAAAAAAARGGGHHHHHH! Okay, nobody was at the gate or the station. I'm alive. Nobody is paying any attention to me.

I make the transaction, everything is fine.
Want to know what my precious cargo was? 1 million units of tritanium. Bloody tritanium. But hey, everything worked out just fine. 6,2 million more ISK in my pocket. I'm alive.

What a goddamn pussy I've been. Now to do the same trip two more times. Gotta empty those tritanium vaults from ye olde home base.

As I complete the long trip back and forth in my slow but trusty Belly Beluga Bestower, everything goes fine until I arrive at the destination station, where 20 irate pirates lock me and commence shooting. But I nonetheless dock, with minimal shield damage.
6,2 million ISK more. Huzzah! This totally paid off!

Docking at the station, my ship is fine but I need new underwear
Now I figured I could use cunning and stay docked until just after downtime tomorrow, and probably escape the ambush, and it's bedtime for me anyway. But I decide to finish the story I started telling.
Oh the silly things I do for this blog. After a few minutes of deliberating, I undock and immediately start my warping sequence. In a fraction of a second, I see some kind of spider tanking going on above my ship, it's okay, The next fraction of a second in space, my shields are still at max strength  everything is fine. The next fraction, I'm in warp in my pod. Well poop.

The exact instant of my ship's death upon undocking. I highlighted the dead giveaway clues in fabulous pink
My bounty will never go away if I don't decide to get properly killed some day

HAH! That was FUN!

I lost my 2 day old Bestower in a very overkill incident, but I didn't get podded, and returned safely home with large profits in my pocket. Absolutely worth it! Even if I did sell 2 million minerals to the people who shot me. now that's just bad business practice.
The last times I'd gotten shot out of the sky was because of extreme stupidity and overconfidence, but this time, I died because of a calculated risk. Well my calculations were pretty wrong, but that's just my poor math-head. the point is, my space-splosion wasn't a surprise this time.

I'm learning.

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