I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Serpentis Prime Time!

Hi, sorry I'm late. I just spent the last 14 hours watching all the Star Wars films back to back with a group of buddies and haven't been at home. Achievement Unlocked. Better get lots of XP for this.

Anyway, since I haven't been home I haven't had much time in thinking about what to write about tonight and seeing as it's about 4am, I'd really like to go to sleep. But I have my responsibilities to you guys and would never dream about letting you down, so here's a short and sweet snippet!

After I started up again, I found both my characters Derelus and Jackus sitting pretty much alone in the corp I had been a part of when I last left. Now, my first thought upon restarting the game was not to rush into joining some random corp off the street. I also decided that I would not immediately join my old friends again, since I felt that they had probably become so much more experienced than me and I kind of wanted to find my own game before diving head-first into scenarios that would be way over my head. So I opted for patience, staying in the empty corp for the time being while I gathered my senses. I also figured I'd try to liquidate most of my assets, since I had never done that before and I was kind of looking for that "fresh" start (With a fat wallet from the sold assets though, awww yeah). While I was doing this I kept one eye open on the recruitment forums on the official site.

Star Wars themed pictures, hooray!

After a few days of tracking down all my stuff, hauling it to Jita and selling it, an ad caught my eye. A corp called Coreli Corporation. Hmm, sounds pretty nifty, let's see what it's about! I quickly gathered from the recruitment ad and some googling (yep, that's a verb now. Deal with it) that this was a so-called RP-Lite corporation, which is basically a corp that roleplays, but on very loose terms. I'll get back to that a little later. Needless to say, I was fascinated, and applied to join. I was quickly accepted and welcomed into the "family". Other members, aswell as the CEO and directors, are extremely nice people and I love flying with them. But you probably want to know what it's all about, right?

Coreli Corporation, by its description, is a Serpentis loyalist corporation, founded in 2005. We are essentially the capsuleer arm of the Serpentis faction (many ships of which you have probably destroyed, but don't worry, I forgive you!). This plays heavily into the RP-Lite part of it, and the corp has been part of ingame events before, such as the recent Serpentis attack on the Evaulon system, and as such has influenced (though lightly) the history of EVE. We have reached a point now where we even get direct orders from the Serpentis, via a CCP story-dev.

What we do, much like the faction we are loyal to, is pirating. Yep, we're dirty, no-good, lowlife pirates that just love to ruin your day. We go on a roam (or "patrol") around Gallente lowsec at least every weekend (though mostly 2-3 times a week) murdering the local populace. We especially love hitting Factional Warfare targets, they like to fight back and often prove a good challenge!

Along with general piracy, we are also heavily invested into booster production (drugs) and have a special division for that (our "Pharmaceutical" wing). So I guess you could call us pirate druglords. That sounds pretty nifty, I'll take it!

Sometimes I like to sit in corp chat, imagining I'm this guy.

Now, RP-Lite. When I was a little bit younger, I played Neverwinter Nights online (oh my, the good times I had) and was really interested in the roleplaying aspect of it. That is, we'd take the role of our character ingame and play as him or her. The rules on the RP servers were pretty strict, you had to mark your out-of-character comments extremely well and were encouraged to keep it to a minimum. This appealed to my younger self somewhat, but as I have gotten older, grumpier and more serious (at least I like to think so, it is quite a debatable topic), the appeal of this sort of full-blown RP has diminished somewhat. Enter RP-Lite. You only RP if and when you want to, and however serious you might want. A kind of relaxed, no-sweat kind of RP. My kind of RP.

The RP rules in this corp are, as a result, very loose. Basically the only times we RP at the moment (Man I gotta stop typing "RP") is during these ingame events (I have yet to be a part of one sadly, but there is something brewing!) and when smacking in local while on patrols. And keep in mind, the EVE universe happens in the distant future, so there is no "AHOY, lads, thar be landlubbers about, man the cannons and let loose the dogs of waaar, jolly good!". More like "Reds in local, let's f em up!". Pretty much just what you'd type out anyway. So no silliness!

Not us.

As I understand, the corp has layed dormant for a while, and has only recently started to rise up again and recruit new members. So far recruitment effots have been going good, although there is some lack of active, dedicated members. In fact, if you're looking for a corp and this sounds pretty sweet to you, don't hesitate to throw in an application on our forums or shoot Derelus an EVE-mail! Although more experienced pilots are a plus, we're willing to accept any pilot as long as you're a nice guy/gal!

Lastly, here is a pretty nice, however slightly outdated, wiki article on the corp, give it a read if you're more interested in the history and such!

And off to sleep I drift. No doubt will be dreaming about Star Wars. Ah, Leia, that bikini looks sooo good on you...

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Quite impressive for that late at night I must say. And if you call that short, I'm actually looking forward reading long posts ^^

    And I wanna be a pirate so bad now :( you're evil ^^
